Everything will be fine!
Glioblastom - keine Möglichkeit der Überlebung? André, Emotionen, Hoffnung, Zukunft, Weltreisen. Alles wird gut! André - sein Leben, Glioblastom, Emotionen, Hoffnung, Zukunft, Reisen, Gefühle, Familie, Freunde, Wahrheit, Überleben, Spaß, Charité, Berlin, Liebe
Glioblastoma is the most common malignant brain tumour in adults. It develops from the glial cells of the brain and mainly occurs in older people. The standard treatment consists of a combination of surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy, known as the Stupp regimen. The prognosis for glioblastoma is unfavourable, which is why the main focus is on improving the quality of life and maximising the survival time of patients.
Everything will be fine!
Everything you read here is true. Names and special features have been changed separately.
‘Smiling depression is particularly dangerous and widespread - but hardly anyone talks about it.’

André - sein Leben, Glioblastom, Emotionen, Hoffnung, Zukunft, Reisen, Gefühle, Familie, Freunde, Wahrheit, Überleben, Spaß, Charité, Berlin, Liebe
According to the WHO classification, glioblastoma, for example, is a grade 4 brain tumour. They are not curable. Only around 14 per cent of patients with glioblastoma survive the first two years after diagnosis. After five years, only around five per cent are still alive.
I will not give up and will live for a long time.
Everything will be fine!